So this isn’t Saturday but it feels sort of like one. On “project Saturdays” we get things done. Since this was a three day weekend, even for my husband, it took us a couple of days to get to those projects. On our actual Saturday we went to the movies and saw The Green Lantern. On Sunday we went to church starting at 8 in the morning and finished up at the apartments at around 12:30. We spent both afternoons just watching movies at home and resting.

Monday morning dawned and it was time to get things done. The weather was beautiful and cool. John got up early and mowed the lawn while I had a cup of coffee and got ready to take on the huge task of cleaning my room. Jennifer put my sheets in the washer then we started working on the piles of stuff that had gotten built up in my room and dusting. Once he was done mowing and taking a shower, John helped move the king size mattress and we searched under the bed for my ring. John found it towards the middle of the bed. Who knows how it fell that far under. I suppose when I was trying to get it with the back-scratcher it pushed it further under. I am just glad we were able to find it. It was a good way to get everything put away and clean. I love a clean room.

After cleaning the entire room and putting clean sheets on the bed it was time to move on to the next “project”. I got my kitchen back in working order with all the dishes done and put away. Then got John to help me hang a light over my new sewing desk, aka the old computer desk. Someone donated a children’s sewing machine that didn’t sell at our garage sale so I am going to use it to teach Jennifer how to sew. (Once she knows how, I will put it in the next sale and pray someone buys it.) We have a few quilting projects to do and I am going to let her help me with those. Plus some other minor projects sewing up some “wounded” stuffed animals and pillows. The two printer paper boxes and the basket under the desk are filled with fabric. I also have the fabric for several quilts in another container.
I am going to attempt to get the quilts done in record time by sewing in the evenings after everyone goes to bed and in the afternoons on some days. Jennifer and I are going to have to work on our scrapbooking, too. We have much to get done in a short time. The reason these things need to get done quickly is not only that they have been sitting here waiting for years for me to do them, but also because we aren’t sure of the timing that we will move to East Africa. It looks like it will be soon, but only God knows for sure. The sooner we get this stuff done, the better it will be for everyone.
Until next time...Blessings to you!