She was very excited a month ago when she realized that her tooth was getting loose. She actually has 4 teeth that felt a little loose, her two top and two bottom. As this one tooth on the bottom got more and more loose, we discovered that her big tooth was coming in behind her baby tooth. So we began to wiggle that tooth to get it out of there. The funny thing about teeth is that when one is coming in behind the other it stops it from being loose as it grows in. So we had to work "hard". I would take her tooth and wiggle it as she and I counted to 10. We would stop and she would wiggle it to see if it got easier to wiggle. Today when she got up I told her she might as well just go get her an apple. Her brothers have lost a lot of teeth that way.
She got a green apple out of the fridge and started working on that tooth. Sure enough, there it came! She was so excited!! She had the tooth in her hand but still asked me "did it come out?" She had to show Daddy when he walked in the door. And all she can think about it telling Bro. Bobby (our pastor) about it because he gives kids $1 when they lose a tooth. So that will be the first person she finds tonight when we get to church.
Congratulations my lil angel baby! You are on your way to becoming a young woman. I know the time will pass faster than I could imagine. You already are asking me daily about asking Jesus into your heart and about baptism. I know that is a scary thing for someone who doesn't like to sing in church with her choir group. But I know when the time is right God will be there to help you feel strong in the face of that fear. I love you so much! Mommy
Thanks for letting me share my joys of childhood growth as I watch my last baby go from a little girl to a big girl. She has been pretty big in a lot of ways but still has some things that are younger about her. As she takes all these new steps I am happy and yet a little sad. She is such a joy to me and everyone she is around.
Until next time...blessings to you.
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