Yesterday was a girls day of shopping. Sami asked me if it would be a good day to go dress shopping and I said sure! We went a few different places before we ended up where we finally found dresses for them. But we had to see if we could get them somewhere else just so we would know. We ended up at David's Bridal and found just the right dresses so that they "match".
Jenni's dress has to be shortened and taken in on the sides near the top because she is so tiny. And that is a size 6. To save time we took the one they had in the store and had them pin it so they could take it in and hem the bottom and have it in the 4 week time that it would have taken to order it. It would have taken another 4 weeks to hem it for a total of 8 weeks and that would be cutting it pretty close. April 2 is 9 weeks away so that would be too close for comfort for me. And you never know what could happen between then and now. She also found the shoes she wants and we got to bring those home with us. I will more than likely let her wear them for Easter, too, but I will have to see about that since Easter is before the ceremony.
We found Sami a dress that had the same type of straps and the same tool like fabric over the top, with the bottom that flowed in a similar way. She looked so beautiful in it. We did choose Apple red as the color because it will look so good with my silver dress. I will need to find ties for the boys to match somehow. We were also lucky because they just put the dresses on sale so Sami's dress was $31 less than it would have been. That helped towards the alterations on Jenni's dress!
After we paid for the dresses and shoes we came back home and I showed Sami some of the other things I had been thinking of and she gave me some great ideas. She said since it was a 25th anniversary we should have the original things at a table to show along with the wedding dress hung up in the background. I think that is a neat idea. She made me very happy yesterday and made it seem special.
I ordered my dress and it should arrive tomorrow! I will get to see if I even like it! And see how much I still need to lose and/or tone up in the next 9 weeks! I am too excited! I paid for our plane tickets for our "honeymoon", we put John's ring on layaway, picked up my rings last week and things are falling into place. I just need to figure out what I am doing with Nick while I am gone. That is my only complication at this point.
65 Days Till April 2!
Until next time...blessings to you.
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