Have you ever heard of Flylady? I would be surprised if you hadn't. She has been around since 2001. If you have never heard of Flylady let me explain just a little. Flylady helps you to not be overwhelmed with housework and other areas in our lives. It has branched out in different directions and also has things for our children and teens to help them, if they so choose to use them.
I started using Flylady after my youngest daughter was born and loved it. But I let life get in the way and got bogged down in stuff again. I tried to start again a few years ago but never really put my heart into it. I signed up for the emails again a couple of months ago and didn't do anything with them. But I refused to let myself unsubscribe this time. I knew I wanted to get back on track.
Today is THAT day! I got up this morning and shined my sink! I am taking baby steps so I won't get overwhelmed. That is what they tell you to do, take baby steps. I am starting out by getting my morning routine and before bed routine down. I am also doing the Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday. Zone 4 is the master bedroom. Today I just have to gather things from my bedroom that don't belong and put them where they do belong or throw them in the trash. I can do that!
I do have other things I have to get done because I am on a time frame but if I do these small things daily along with the big things I have to do, once I am done with the big things I will be in the habit of doing the little things to keep my house clean and in working order and it will seem easy because I will have less to do. The big things I have to do are home repairs and organizing to accommodate a home preschool. But at the same time, it is a part of our declutter and downsize mission. I will be cleaning OUT things and getting rid of unwanted and unnecessary items in my home. I know that I will have less to clean up if I have less stuff. It is just a matter of getting it done. PLUS, a matter of thinking through each purchase after this. Thinking: Do I need this? Do I have room for this? Will we use it? Will it enrich our lives? If the answer is no, then I should not get it.
The kids have the option of printing off a control journal for themselves. It just helps them keep their room clean and helps them to make sure they have their things picked up from around the house. Jennifer has printed hers off. Jonathan is still thinking it over. That is fine because it is up to them to make this choice to do it without me having to tell them what to do each day.
Until next time...blessings to you.
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