Hot Chocolate 15K
I picked up my runner's goodie bag yesterday. I was getting ready for my first 15K. My very first race was the HC5K so it's only fitting my first 15K would be this one. It was challenging but I pushed myself and did my very best and nothing less. It has been a couple of years since I was in even a 5K so the 15K seemed a bit much to me but I was excited to do it anyway. How do you challenge yourself? Do you? You have to push yourself past your comfort zone in order to grow and get better.
I got up super early and didn't stop going for most of the day. It was a very busy morning!
Here are just a few things you might like to know.
*This was my first 15K
*It was also my first race of any kind in almost 2 years...yikes!
*My very first race was the HC5K
*It was in the 30s this morning and the sun never came out to warm things up.
*My feet didn't hurt until mile 9.
*I took sips of my Hydrate during the race to keep me going but at the end I drank most of it. I didn't want to have to potty during the race.
*I would pick a light or a tree and run until I got to it. Often times I was able to keep running past that once I got going. Giving myself goals to shoot for helped.
*I took it one mile at a time. Once I got to 6 miles I knew I was only a 5k away from finishing.
*When I did a 10K 2 years ago my feet hurt between mile 4 and 5 so they were hurting badly by the time I finished. Today I passed mile 6 feeling great!
*Having family or friends waiting for you at the finish line makes all the difference in the world.
*Hearing them call my name as I came towards the finish line and them saying what a great job I did brought tears to my eyes. It was pretty cool.
*Getting the finisher's metal was awesome!
*Getting a cup of hot chocolate and a bowl of fondue hit the spot. I ate it all but the marshmallows and rice crispy treat.
*Going to eat breakfast after I make them stand out in the cold is a tradition. Old West is a new venue. It was delicious.
*Normally I can't fall asleep after a race, any size race. Today I fell asleep shortly afterwards and slept for a couple of hours.
*Stretching and "rolling" my feet and legs is a must in my recovery. Plus a hot bath and a cup of Recharge at bedtime.
*Will I do it again? Yep, next year and every year after as long as I can. I am sad I missed last year.
**I forgot to turn off my Nike app at the finish line and turned it off after I walked all the way to get my finisher's mug of fondue.
**I forgot to turn off my Polar watch until I was almost to the car!
There you have it. My day. What did yours look like?
~Helping transform lives one day at a time
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