My goals for this past week were to listen to my husband more intently and to get the sarcasm out of my voice. I did pretty well on those points, but not perfect. We were on vacation so we were more relaxed than we are at home with all the things going on here. I did make it a point to keep my mouth closed as he was talking to me or our friends. I found out a lot of things that way, imagine! I have a tendency to talk so much and if I am not careful I take up all the conversation. And I am with little children, mostly infants, all day so I am starved for that conversation. I found out some great insights from doing that. Amazing how that happens. Also, I am sure that he felt better because I was listening and made it a point to let him know that what he said was important enough for me to listen to. The sarcasm has been a little hard. Not because I wanted to be ugly, just because it is habit. We mostly do it to be "funny". I did a little better.
My goals for this week now that we are back home are more back to the original. I want to meet him at the door and walk him to the door when he leaves for work. I need to take a lesson from my kids. They run to their dad if he is coming or going. They did that last night and he started to "act" impatient but I grinned at him and told him he loved it and he knew it. His return grin told me I was right.
I want to make a huge effort to have a home cooked meal on the table for him each night when he gets up (he works the night shift) and a home cooked meal when he gets home in the mornings. That is a huge chore for me because I am so tired at the end of the day. The last thing I want to do is cook a hot meal that will steam up my Texas kitchen! It is hot enough already. And in the mornings it is busy when he gets home because children have already arrived. But it is usually easier in the mornings.
Also, I have fallen down on the job of laundry. I have it clean (except what I brought back from vacation) but I do not have it put up. I have all of his clothes folded in a basket for HIM to put up. And even though at times I feel justified in doing that, when I really think about how hard he works and how hard a night schedule is on a person I know that it isn't right for me to do that. I need to make his time at home as easy as possible where he can spend time with his kids and me and not feel like so much is there for him to do. He is already my Mr. Fixit. There is always something that needs fixing. Like today before he went to bed he had to fix our air conditioner because it wasn't draining properly and it was going into the carpet in the hall. So with things like that coming up, he really doesn't need to have to worry about trying to find his clothes before work. I feel terrible because of it. But some days, I just don't have it in me to do anything about it. You would think that after my vacation I would have more energy to get things done. Maybe I will after a weekend to catch up on the laundry, cleaning and paying bills.
Until next time...blessings to you.
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