I know it isn't Monday, we were actually camping in Colorado on Monday so my computer was not turned on! Challenges this last week? You bet there were. With me being stressed out because of our trip coming up and so many things on my to do list, it was making me nuts! I hate feeling like that. I tell myself over and over to stay calm and it is fine. But the devil really knows how to push our buttons, as I have said before.
I really wanted to make some major leaps and bounds on this challenge this week but don't think I did very well. He was tired and stressed out as well so we made a fine pair! Nick has been going through a low period and that always makes our relationship a little strained. It is so much pressure to try to counter his moods to help him turn them around into something good not bad.
I am trying very hard to show him respect in front of the kids. I am trying to see his ideas and suggestions on things in a new light. I am a person who generally thinks she is right. I know, most people aren't like that, are they. But I am! I am trying to not be so matter of fact about everything. And when he doesn't understand what I am trying to tell him, like with directions to someplace we are trying to get to, I am doing my best to stay calm and let him know that I am trying my best, in a very nice, respectful manner. That is a hard thing for me because we have spent so many years being sarcastic to one another, most of the time kidding but it has really gone too far. I want to be the wife I am supposed to be and support him and make him feel good. I don't think my sarcasm does that.
Another goal this week is to spend time listening to him talk, about whatever he wants to talk about, be it his music, Westcliffe, work, whatever. And really listening, not just half way. That tends to get a little hard with 3 children wanting your attention for something. But I am praying that God will give me the time to do just that. We have 4 more full days of our vacation plus one day of driving. I want to spend some real time making my husband feel loved and appreciated.
Until next time...blessings to you.
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