I purchased a juicer and it arrived yesterday! It is pretty quiet compared to the one my daughter got but they both work. Mine is stainless steel. I just felt it would be better quality than plastic. I have heard the one I got gives you more juice than most others. We will see how it holds up.
Juicing gets pretty messy but it was very easy to clean up. I am doing the juicing and drinking it right away instead of making it ahead of time and storing it. Since I am at home I feel that is a good option for me. If there are times when I won't be at home, like on Sunday mornings, I will juice my 10 a.m. juice ahead of time and take it with me. My daughter does her juicing for the whole day the night before. She is at work all day so this helps her be ready to go in the morning. Do what works for you and your schedule.
We watched the whole documentary on Super Juice Me's website. They no longer have the entire thing to watch for free. It was a real eye opener. It is an hour and a half long. We decided to give it a go. After all, nothing about the plan was chemicals or things unhealthy. It has ALL the vitamins and nutrients we NEED to live and thrive, despite people thinking otherwise. We looked at the different options for purchase of the program and felt the app for our phone was the best and most cost effective. It is a GREAT app. It has everything; videos, menus with times, shopping lists for a week at a time or the whole 28 days, and a lot more. The videos help SO much. I use the video while I was making my juices. I am sure I will get to where I won't have to use it while I am making it but for now, it is a great thing to have. I watch the videos the day before, too. There are so many great tips that you need to spend some time watching them. And if you are like me, take notes.
If this is something you are interested in, check out the documentary on their website. You can even download the app, it is just over $15 with tax. You can follow my progress on here or on my fb page where I will post links to my blog posts and other tips. Make sure you clean out your fridge before you go to the store so you have room for all your produce when you return. It takes up a LOT of room. But just think how wonderful you will feel after eating all of those healthy foods.
I am super excited to be super juiced. I am picturing myself well on my way to a GREAT summer, feeling and looking better. I have so many great summer clothes that I "out grew" that are practically brand new. I will be spending the next 85 days working on not only my eating habits but training for my next half marathon. It is my goal to be in super shape and much stronger than I am now in time for my race. It is my goal to post each days foods and my struggles on here daily along with pictures. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here or on fb. But please, no negative comments. This is a blog about positive change. Thanks!
What are your goals for summer?
Changing my life one day at a time.
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