The weekends are going to be challenging as far as schedule goes over the next few weeks. Today we did a 5K that started a bit after 8 a.m. I drank my water and my morning tea before I left for the run. Sadly, I was NOT able to put my running shoes on so I did NOT run. I walked it. But I wore my sandals and they ended up making the soles of my feet hurt. I had my toe wrapped to keep it from hurting. It feels and looks much better tonight. It was a small run and they did awards for different age groups. Even though I came in LAST out of EVERYBODY I came in third for my age group. Wow! That means there were three people in my age group running, lol. John came in first for his age group. JC came in third and Jenni came in second for their age groups. Jenni walked with me, so that tells you how many her age were running, too.
The juice for 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. is Mineral Medicine. It's pretty good. It has more veggies in it and isn't as thick as the morning/evening one. They all seem to be that way. They give you the really thick ones for those two times and then thinner ones during the day. I am enjoying the different flavors coming from the combinations.
While I am still having thoughts of foods I choose not to eat right now I am considering the choices I will make after my 28 days is over. That is ever in my thoughts, in a good way. I am thinking of the amazing foods we have learned to make the RIGHT way. And I am thinking of how awesome it will be to just enjoy the good stuff and FORGET about the bad stuff I should never have touched to begin with. I am so happy that we have made all the changes we have because that will make all of this so much easier. We still have a ways to go but I know I am on the right track and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am currently reading Freedom From the Diet Trap: Slim For Life by Jason Vale and it is so amazing. I am not finished with it yet but I plan on finishing it this weekend. I have learned so many thing just in the first 30 pages of the book. I will share what I learn later. It's under $7 so if you want to check it out, go ahead and tell me what you think of it.
Changing my life one day at a time.
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