Tuesday, June 17, 2008

That You May Have Peace-In Him

Jesus said in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."

Isn't that a wonderful promise from Jesus? In Him we can have peace even though we are in the world and going through tribulation because he already overcame the world. He beat death and we are victors with Him! So no matter what you are going through in this world, take heart because He is there for you and has sent His Holy Spirit to be with you. No matter what mistakes we make or what comes against us. He loves us. We are chosen by Him.

I am on lesson 4 of the Ephesians study and enjoying it very much. God is speaking to me about so many things that I have gone through, am going through and will go through, for I am still on this earth for a time and the tribulations and trials will not end until He either comes again or I go home to be with Him. Since I know neither date, I just have to walk in faith and trust God to be there for me.

There are so many temptations out there and one of them is to get wrapped up in the worlds ways of doing things. And having bad attitudes towards others that may not agree with us. But I desire to be different and to fight those temptations. I only want to feel towards others the way Jesus does. The only way I can do that is to allow the Holy Spirit to move in me and show me the way. He has been doing that in an amazing way this last week. I could be feeling very upset about some things but I'm not. I am just praying for peace in other peoples lives because I have peace in my heart about things. I know that although I make mistakes God is there for me and He knows I am trying to do His will and trying so hard not to mess up. (but I do anyway) And He knows that my desire to change comes from Him. I have been seeking Him more and more to be close to Him and have a more personal relationship with Him and through that I have grown in many ways.

Does that mean I am saying I am perfect and become all I can be? Not by a long shot. I will not be made perfect until I see Christ again. So I will keep struggling along desiring to be more like Him in all I do. I will falter because I am human and make mistakes. But Christ knows my heart and loves me no matter what.

We, as humans, have a hard time with that concept. We expect people to be perfect. That is an unrealistic expectation. And we judge and condemn those we say we care about in the process because they don't live up to our expectations of them. How sad to put that heavy weight on others. It may be that this happens when we have a heavy weight on our own shoulders that we really don't want to look at and take care of. Like the Bible tells us to remove the plank out of our own eye before we try to remove the speck from a brothers. We see the other peoples faults as unbearable when the plank in our own eye becomes too large to bear. Even if it is something that is hard to deal with, God is there and will see us through it. We must address every issue He brings to our attention so that we can have that peace He desires for us to have. I have been trying my best to allow God to remove the planks from my eyes so that I see others from His loving point of view.

I pray for peace in all of your lives and in my own. Life on this earth is hard. No question there. And each day we have a choice to make. What will we do today that has eternal value? Will we make a difference in other's lives? If you have children or children in your life, what will you give them that day to point them toward the Father above? Towards Jesus who showed us how to live and be light to others? That is something I try to ask myself each morning. I am not always successful in starting my day the right way, but it is my desire to do so. I desire a closer walk with the Lord, daily. I desire to spread His love to others and to point the way to Christ in doing so.

What will your day hold that is eternal? When you are doing your normal everyday activities what can you put in the middle of it that will contain eternal value? Think about it, and share it with me, if you want.

Until next time...blessings to you.

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